A Passion for Giving Christian Books - Ernest C. Reisinger: A Biography by Geoffrey Thomas


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Once in a while, I read a book that really inspires me. The biography of Ernie Reisinger written by Geoffrey Thomas published by @banneroftruth that I read recently is really hitting that note for me. Before reading this book, I had no idea who Ernie Reisinger was, but after having read this biography, I am so glad to have learned about this man.

In Reisinger, I have found an example of the kind of person I want to be: devoted to speaking the gospel to others, and devoted to putting good books in the hands of people that could benefit from reading them. Like me but on a much larger scale, Reisinger was a man passionate about Christian books who lived in Pennsylvania (just a few hours from where I live), and although he was not himself Presbyterian, he had a deep appreciation for Presbyterian and Reformed theology. 

 In Reisinger, I think I may have found the one person who was more passionate about Christian literature and making good Christian books accessible to everyone than I am! This man gave out tens of thousands of books over his life, and his efforts to equip seminary graduates has shaped the theological trajectory of the Southern Baptist Convention even to this day.

While Reisinger was more known for his preaching and his passion for resourcing the church with the writings of others, he has also penned a few himself. One of those books is a collection of Scriptures related to the Ten Commandments that can help you take the law from being abstract to having concrete applications. If you are a pastor, this list of Scriptures will help you to make your sermons more personal and your applications more specific!

Iā€™d recommend these books to the person who has a passion for reading and seeing others read, and to the person who wants to learn more about applying the Ten Commandments!