A Guide to Studying the Book of Judges - Judges for You by Timothy Keller


Judges For You will help you to understand the depth of the book of Judges.

What parts of the bible do you know best, and what parts do you need to study more?

“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” 

Judges For You is a helpful introduction and summary of the Old Testament book of Judges written by Timothy Keller. I don’t know about you, but the Old Testament books of history (Judges, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles), are definitely my weak point when it comes to bible knowledge. Reading this book opened up my brain to so much knowledge of the time before Israel had an earthly king, and opened up my heart to just how similar the church is to God’s people in the time of the Judges. Keller walks the reader through the book of Judges chapter by chapter, chronicling the downward spiral that the Israelites experienced as they turned away from God.

Just like us today, the Israelites were tempted to worship alternative “gods” alongside the one true God of the bible. The problem with false gods is that they make people into servants who are enslaved. No god but God can show grace, forgive sins, or deliver on promises. Keller does an excellent job connecting the horizon of Old Testament history to the temptations that modern churches face, and stops the reader from dismissing the book of Judges as outdated or irrelevant. 

When you read this book, do not skip the appendices in the back! Hidden behind the glossary are three of the most helpful resources that you will want to go back to and review. First, there is a diagram that illustrates the cycle of rebellion, judgment, crying out, and deliverance that Israel experienced during the time of the Judges. If you plan on teaching the book of Judges at all, I would definitely consider including this chart! Second, there is a 2-page chart that has all of the details in Judges laid out in a way that helps you to see how long each judge ruled, whether Israel experienced peace during their rule, and what kind of legacy they left behind among other things you will want to know! Finally, Keller addresses the issue of “Holy War” that Christians are tempted to be embarrassed about when discussing the Old Testament in a way that I found to be really compelling! All in all, this is an excellent entry in the “God’s Word for You” commentary series!

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the Old Testament better!

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