A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God - Patrick Schreiner's The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross Book Review


Have you read any books about Biblical Theology before?

“The kingdom is the King’s power over the King’s people in the King’s place” (p.18)

The Bible tells a progressively revealed Christ-centered story that has many angles to it, and The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross by Patrick Schreiner seeks to trace the storyline of the Bible from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 through the angle of “The Kingdom of God”. Schreiner breaks the Bible down into six different sections: The Law, the Prophets and the Writings make up the Old Testament and the Gospels, Acts and the Epistles, and Revelations make up the new, and he shows how each of these sections reveals a development in the theme of Kingdom of God and how each section builds upon the foundation built by the parts of the Bible that have come before it.

What I think is unique that I really appreciated about Schreiner’s work here is that he went out of his way to include sections of the Bible that normally go unacknowledged when studying the theme of “Kingdom of God”. The unique contributions of genres like wisdom literature and pastoral epistles to the theme of Kingdom are brought to life in a way that I have not seen addressed before in my other readings on Kingdom of God. That being said, Schreiner also interacts with others who have done great work on the Kingdom, I’m thinking especially of Stephen Dempster’s book “Dominion and Dynasty” on the topics of descendants and a promised land and Herman Ridderbos on the Kingdom in the New Testament.

I would recommend this book to the person who wants to learn more about the theme “Kingdom of God”!