Helping Others Follow Jesus - Discipling by Mark Dever Book Review


Discipling will help you to be more effective in helping others to grow in their walk with Christ.

“Discipling is helping someone follow Jesus by doing deliberate spiritual good in his or her life.” (p.13)

Who has discipled you in the past? In college, my freshman guy’s bible study leader named Sam helped to show me what following Jesus looked like in a secular university setting, and I still am learning from the days we spent talking about God together.

“Discipleship” is one of those words that can carry a lot of baggage and incite a lot of fear, and Mark Dever’s book “Discipling: How to help others follow Jesus” is the simplest and most freeing book I have picked up on the topic. In it, Mark Dever shows that discipleship does not have to look like 6AM bible studies or Sunday school classes, although it includes both of those things. Discipling is simply helping another person follow Jesus by doing intentional spiritual good to them.

What I most love and appreciate about this book is that Dever makes discipling accessible to every Christian, regardless of how inadequate and unqualified they feel. In fact, every Christian is called to make disciples and live in an other-oriented way. Part of doing intentional spiritual good to others requires that we live out the Christian life in front of others, not just with our words but all of the actions we take. Every Christian is able to do intentional spiritual good to others, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the Word.

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