Learning from the "I Am" Sayings of Christ - Meeting Jesus by R.C. Sproul Book Review


Meeting Jesus will help you to see the “I Am” statements of Jesus in a new light.

What’s your favorite RC Sproul book?

Confession: This book on the “I Am” sayings of Christ was the first book written by R.C. Sproul that I have ever read. I have benefited tremendously in a secondhand way from the late R.C.’s writing, and have really come to respect him as a bible teacher and communicator of the gospel. His very conversational tone stood out as one of the most memorable things of this book. I loved it and am looking forward to jumping into some of his other works, leave me a recommendation below!

Who is Jesus? This question is one that every person has to answer in their hearts, and if A.W. Tozer is right, how you answer that question is the most important thing about you. Is Jesus a liar, lunatic, Lord, or something else altogether? In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells the reader at least 8 times who He is.  In his book “Meeting Jesus”, R.C. Sproul gives the reader a brief introduction to the person of Jesus through his 7+1 “I Am” statements.

The “I Am” statement that most struck me from this book was “I am the resurrection and the life.” In the Gospel of John, it is Jesus’ resurrection of Lazarus that really begins to get him in deep trouble with the religious leaders of the day, and I was amazed at the emotion that Jesus shows upon hearing of Lazarus’ death, despite knowing that Lazarus would soon be raised. Sproul’s emphasis on the historicity of the resurrection is a comfort to the person wrestling with the Christian faith. Finally, in the “I am the resurrection and the life” story, we get Martha’s beautiful confession, one of the clearest confessions of who Jesus is in the entire gospel of John. She tells Jesus, “Yes Lord, I believe you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” Martha was right. Jesus is the Christ, and this book is a fantastic reminder of that truth that we all need to come back to again and again! 

I would recommend this book to a new Christian, or to someone who just wants to get reacquainted with Jesus as a person and who Jesus claims to be! 

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