Reading the Old Testament with Christ in Mind - Jesus on Every Page by David Murray


Jesus on Every Page by David Murray is one of my favorite books to recommend on the topic of finding Christ in the Old Testament.

I read this book when I was a freshman in college, and it really helped me to understand the Bible as one cohesive story, centered on Jesus. My eyes were opened to seeing Christ in ways that I had never considered before, since I had never read the Bible for myself very much up until that point. If that’s you, consider checking this book out.

Here are some of my takeaways from this Thomas Nelson title:

1) Growing in theology takes a lifetime. Murray didn’t fully see Jesus in the Old Testament until he was already pretty theologically developed. 

2) The Old Testament is good for more (and not less) than simple moral lessons about how to be like the “good characters” and how to stop behaving like the “bad characters.” The Old Testament reveals Christ to us.

3) We don’t need to be afraid of using the New Testament to interpret the Old Testament - Jesus Himself did it!

4) Jesus plays a role even in unexpected books like Proverbs!

5) His section on the second Person of the Trinity being the Angel of the Lord blew me away when I read it because I was hearing about that possibility for the first time. I hope you glean something from it too!

If you’re struggling to relate your Old Testament Bible reading to Jesus, I would encourage you to pick up and enjoy reading this book! David Murray is a good writer as well as being a good theologian, and those two things don’t always go together.

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